

ファイルネーム 詳細
nci.dll CoInstaller: NET
oci.dll Oracle Call Interface
opp.dll Adobe Systems Incorporated
ui.dll ui.dll
uianimation.dll Windows Animation Manager
uiaprovider.dll PSP UiaProvider DLL
uiautomationcore.dll Microsoft UI Automation Core
uiautomationcoreres.dll Microsoft UI Automation Core Resource
uicom.dll Add/Remove Modems Adobe DLL
uihelper.dll IIS UIHelper Module
uihub.dll Microsoft Tablet PC Flicks and Pen Feedback Component
uilangres.dll UILangRes
uilayoutmgr.dll CtrlFactory
uireng.dll UI Recording Engine Library
uiribbon.dll Windows Ribbon Framework
uiribbonres.dll Windows Ribbon Framework Resources
uiw.dll uiw
ui_mp_x86.dll ui_mp_x86.dll
wmi.dll WMI DC and DP functionality
wmi2xml.dll WMI XML Convertor
wmiapres.dll WMI Performance Reverse Adapter Resources
wmiaprpl.dll WMI Performance Reverse Adapter
wmiclnt.dll WMI Client API
wmicmiplugin.dll WMI CMI Plugin
wmicookr.dll WMI
wmicore.dll WMI service core functionality
wmidcom.dll WMI
wmidcprv.dll WMI
wmidx.dll Windows Media Indexer DLL
wmimigrationplugin.dll WMI Repository Migration Plugin
wminet_utils.dll WMINet_Utils.dll
wmipcima.dll WMI Win32Ex Provider
wmipdfs.dll WMI DFS Provider
wmipdskq.dll WMI Provider for Disk Quota Information
wmiperfclass.dll WbemPerf V2 Class Provider
wmiperfinst.dll WbemPerf V2 Instance Provider
wmipicmp.dll WMI ICMP Echo Provider
wmipiprt.dll WBEM Provider for IP4 Routes
wmipjobj.dll WMI Windows Job Object Provider
wmiprop.dll WDM Provider Dynamic Property Page CoInstaller
wmiprov.dll WMI
wmiprvsd.dll WMI
wmipsess.dll WMI Provider for Sessions and Connections
wmiscmgr.dll WMI-filterhanteraren
wmisvc.dll WMI
wmitimep.dll WMI
wmitomi.dll CIM Provider Adapter
wmiutils.dll WMI
yui.dll yui Dynamic Link Library