

ファイルネーム 詳細
clr.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime - WorkStation
clrcompression.dll Native data compression routines
clrhost.dll In Proc server for managed servers in the Windows Runtime
clrjit.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Just-In-Time Compiler
cv.dll The core functionality of OpenCV
cv100.dll The vision component of OpenCV
cv210.dll cv210.dll
cvgamedatabase_finalrelease.dll CvGameDatabase_FinalRelease.dll
flex.dll FruityPlug
flexextrelease_x64.dll flexExtRelease_x64.dll
flexrelease_x64.dll flexRelease_x64.dll
ole.dll OLE.dll
ole2.dll ole2.dll
ole2disp.dll ole2disp.dll
ole2nls.dll ole2nls.dll
ole32.dll Microsoft OLE for Windows
oleacc.dll Active Accessibility Core Component
oleacchooks.dll Active Accessibility Event Hooks Library
oleaccrc.dll Active Accessibility Resource DLL
oleaut32.dll oleaut32.dll
olecli.dll olecli.dll
olecli32.dll Object Linking and Embedding Client Library
olecnv32.dll Microsoft OLE for Windows
oledb32.dll OLE DB Core Services
oledb32r.dll OLE DB Core Services Resources
oledlg.dll Microsoft Windows(TM) OLE 2.0 User Interface Support
oleprn.dll Oleprn DLL
olepro32.dll Microsoft (R) OLE Property Support DLL
oleres.dll Ole resource dll
olesvr.dll olesvr.dll
olesvr32.dll Object Linking and Embedding Server Library
olethk32.dll Microsoft OLE for Windows
qdv.dll DirectShow Runtime.
qdvd.dll DirectShow DVD PlayBack Runtime.
slc.dll Software Licensing Client Dll
slcc.dll Software Licensing Commerce Client
slcext.dll Software Licensing Client Extension Dll
slcinst.dll SLC CMI Installer DLL
slcoinst.dll slcoinst.dll
slcommdlg.dll Software Licensing UI API
ole32ws.dll ole32ws.dll